I love Mondays!

Every Monday is a struggle. My mind short circuits at 6.00 AM and tells my body to lay some more because it is needed. Usually 5 minutes more. Then there is that thought of not feeling well suddenly and wanting to email the boss or better yet call him personally with the coughing voice. The short circuit is getting worst. The will to get up and fix the short circuit that only happens on a Monday is what make it excting. The struggle and the win at 6:10.

The hot shower awakens me and finally fixes the short circuit. The drive to work feeling the cool breeze further strengthens my frame of mind and it is capped by the kiss of my wife and son. The battle is over until you open the door to the office and turn on your computer. A whole new battle begins...Coffee usually gets it right and Monday ends on a high note.

I love Mondays. Who wouldn't...